Solid back end language to learn

4 points by pkrzysiek 19 hours ago

Hello,I'm a CS student and on courses and in my free time (constantly) I'm learning JS and (a bit less lately) C#. Looking at the job offers near me, it seems that PHP is the piece in the stack that I lack if they don't require C#. I don't know if this is just my local area or PHP is (and still will be) very important language.I was thinking about learning another backend language and I can't decide between PHP or Rails.I wanted to learn Django or Java but it seems that there aren't any offers for that.I have still much time so I can learn anything.

aristofun 10 hours ago

No serious software company would ever look at php for their new project. Except for some legacy reasons.

Also, don’t base such decisions on current job market snapshot whatever it is.

If you don’t feel like throwing up every time you deal with microsoft universe - c# is overall a solid choice, engineering and caree wise.

Rails is pretty big in North America, not at all in europe and it has strong bias towards startups.

JS(ts) is a solid choice overall - all sorts of companies from crappy devshops to faang on all continents use it for various projects.

Java (and other jvm stuff kike scala kotlin) is also a solid choice, but with a strong bias towards big boring corporations and large slow complex, often over-engineered projects.

Python has a strong bias towards AI/ML world. It’s rarely used outside of it for critical production software.

Ruby is a great choice for your first programming language to learn and as an example of a dynamic language with amazing devx. But it is limited mostly to rails based companies.

I suggest getting some commercial experience with 1 dynamic and 1 statically typed languages early in career.

dngit 18 hours ago

I'd recommend learning PHP if it helps with immediate job opportunities. PHP is still widely used in many places so that skill won't come to waste. However, long-term, learning a more versatile language like JavaScript or Python could open a few more doors, not just backend roles.

brudgers 12 hours ago

If your goal is to get a job locally, and locally people hire for PHP, and you want to learn PHP: Then just learn a little PHP.

Learning another programming language...any language...will make you a better programmer. Even if you never use it.

I have still much time so I can learn anything.

Yes. You have decades. And they will all be decades as an adult. For the sake of example, I will pretend you are 22 and that people become adults at 18. So you have four years of adult experience. Sure you have learned a lot in your four years of adult experience.

But it is but four years out of the forty four you will have in four decades. And those four years are all beginner experience. A lot will change. Optimize for change. Forty years ago, a person in your position would be looking at COBOL, Pascal, C, Fortran, ADA, and Lisp (not Common Lisp, that didn't happen until later (and C was still K&R, not ANSI)).

Don't micro optimize. Learn how to learn. Good luck.

revskill 9 hours ago

It depends on your kind problems and the community, so it depends is the answer.