Ask HN: Real-time speech-to-speech translation

5 points by thangalin 2 days ago

Has anyone had any luck with a free, offline, open-source, real-time speech-to-speech translation app on under-powered devices (i.e., older smart phones)?




I'm looking for a simple app that can listen for English, translate into Korean (and other languages), then perform speech synthesis on the translation. Basically, a Babelfish that doesn't stick in the ear. Although real-time would be great, a max 5-second delay is manageable.

RTranslator is awkward (couldn't get it to perform speech-to-speech using a single phone). 3PO sprouts errors like dandelions and requires an online connection.

Any suggestions?

ohlookcake 2 days ago

I've been looking for something like this (Not for Korean though) and I'd even be happy to pay - though I'd prefer to pay by usage rather than a standing subscription fee. So far, no luck, but watching this thread!

  • thangalin a day ago

    RTranslator is quite close. It needs a TTS for the target language to be installed.

billylo 2 days ago

Author of 3PO here: check out our latest version 2.12. Many fixes have been incorporated in the past two weeks. Cheers.

  • thangalin a day ago

    > Many fixes have been incorporated in the past two weeks.

    Thanks for the efforts! Still many fixes to go, though: I used the version from two days ago, which had numerous issues. Also, 3PO isn't offline, so I won't be pursuing it.

    • billylo a day ago

      No problem! Some fixes were on the server side. We had a server side issue a couple days ago for a few hours. You may have been affected by it, giving you those errors. They have been fixed too. Take care!